
Mother-tongue Methodology




The “Mother-tongue Methodology” created by World International English abandoned  shortness embedded in traditional education system. The improvement of listening and spoken skills is the key to leading the complex reading and writing in English learning and daily communication. Through the “Mother-tongue Methodology”, we help you break the ice orally so that you can freely express yourself and make yourself better understood. We provide a natural English environment, advanced teaching materials and software, small-sized professional classes, which meets the needs of people from all walks of life. Meanwhile, you will surprisingly find a huge leap on your learning progress.


母语教学法第一部   Lab study

通过软件学习, 学员可以进行语言知识的学习,为开口说英文打好良好的基础。这一步相当于在建造房子前先把原材料都准备好。


母语教学法第二部   Mini Class

Mini Class摆脱传统大班教学人数过多,学员水平参差不齐的困扰,根据学员的实际情况为其设计学习课程、时间和方法,让学员与外教零距离接触,全面提升学员的听、说、读、写能力,让学员拥有正确和地道的系统英语表达能力。同时,Mini Class通过情景的演练,纠正学员的发音,有效的保证学员的英语学习效果.



母语教学法第三部   Salon Class

作为学员的主修课程之一,沙龙课是基于小班课主题的扩展课 ,其主要目的是通过更多的问答、讨论、辩论及总结发言方式帮助学员练习口语,学会使用英语思维,提高英语交流能力。学员可以在课前领取相应的沙龙课预习资料,以便在课堂上可以更自如地使用英语口语。


Complementary Class and EC

ECA(英文全称是Extra Curriculum Activities,又称情景互动式教学),由外教和中教共同主持,在学校中心内或户外举行,通过营造轻松休闲的英语环境,促使学员用英语讨论各种话题,话题包括“购物、运动、用餐、节日”等,你可以与外教一起体验真实的西方传统文化。